“You are whole, complete, and perfect just as you are. Not when you get that job, or finish that project, or find that relationship.” - Natalie O’Rourke ...more
Motivation ,Perspective Confidence &Coaching
May 17, 2024•1 min read
Everyone has the gift of time, but only a few really utilize it. Our time is our life... ...more
Motivation ,Perspective Confidence Persistence &Coaching
April 04, 2024•1 min read
👉Sometimes we're trying so hard to get somewhere but we fall short... ...more
Motivation ,Confidence Persistence Dreams & goals &Coaching
April 04, 2024•1 min read
Sometimes it feels like we're getting nowhere, no matter what we do. It's as if we're pushing water uphill. We find ourselves stuck and a bit lost. ...more
Motivation ,Perspective Confidence &Coaching
February 06, 2024•2 min read
🔑The art of progressing and succeeding lies in our ability to stay focused and say 'No' to the unimportant. ...more
Motivation ,Perspective Confidence Persistence &Coaching
February 02, 2024•1 min read
Trust yourself to make your own decisions. Any action is better than no action. Inaction breeds self-doubt and fear, and fear consumes us. ...more
Motivation ,Confidence Persistence Dreams & goals &Coaching
February 01, 2024•1 min read
If you want to be successful, stop asking for permission. ...more
Motivation ,Perspective Confidence Persistence Dreams & goals &Coaching
February 01, 2024•1 min read
Fate might open or close some doors but if we don’t take action, we’ll be standing outside these doors for the rest of our lives. ...more
Motivation ,Perspective Confidence Dreams & goals &Coaching
January 19, 2024•2 min read
YOU ARE THE CEO OF YOUR LIFE - Hire, fire, change and act. Your life is yours. You are in control. It’s up to you. No one else is going to do it, but YOU. ...more
Motivation ,Perspective Confidence &Coaching
November 13, 2023•2 min read
Motivation ,Perspective Confidence Persistence Dreams & goals &Coaching
November 07, 2023•1 min read
"The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do." - Sarah Ban Breathnach ...more
Motivation ,Perspective Confidence Persistence Dreams & goals &Coaching
November 07, 2023•2 min read
"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic." - Unknown :)) ...more
Motivation ,Perspective Confidence Persistence Dreams & goals &Coaching
November 07, 2023•1 min read
The difference between a winner and everybody else is the unshakable belief that they CAN win. It’s about becoming something special before anybody else can see it too. It is about believing that yo... ...more
Motivation ,Confidence &Dreams & goals
July 12, 2023•2 min read
"Authenticity is the key to living a joyful life. Embrace who you are, let go of the need for approval, and watch happiness unfold." ...more
Motivation ,Perspective Confidence &Coaching
June 16, 2023•2 min read
We all make mistakes. That’s how we learn and become wiser, stronger, and more resilient in life. We have a choice to make them by achieving our goals OR by being afraid to live, being afraid to try s... ...more
Motivation ,Confidence Persistence Dreams & goals &Coaching
June 12, 2023•3 min read
We are all creative. We just need to remind ourselves of that. When we think creatively, we have more fun solving life’s problems. ...more
Motivation ,Confidence Persistence &Coaching
June 12, 2023•2 min read
Sometimes when we are presented with THE GIFT OF DELAY we refuse to accept it. We tell ourselves that we need to progress faster. In fact, we want everything to be given and happen right now. ...more
Motivation ,Perspective &Confidence
June 05, 2023•3 min read
Get insightful tips about 4 types of online businesses, why they work, creating tips, pricing and distribution options, case studies and examples to help you decide what business matches your skills and personality.
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